Saturday, March 17, 2012

I forgot about this one. It was my first crocheted heart shamrock. It turned out to big to use as a pin, so the Girl asked if she could wear it in her hair. What a fabulous idea!

Luck o' the Irish

Here are the two pins I made for St. Patrick's Day. For the one on the left I crocheted four hearts with embroidery floss following a pattern from I then sewed them together and added a yellow button. The one on the right is from the Fiskars website I believe (the local St. Patricks parade group posted it on Facebook a while back). It is four 1.25 inch felt hearts in dark green and four 1 inch felt hearts in lighter green, with a button on the front. The glitter on the front and large circle in the back were my additions, as when it was on the small circle in back, it fell apart when a coworker wore it at school (granted, she was wrestling with preschoolers all day), so I decided it needed a bigger base for support.


Friday, March 9, 2012

Crochet bug...

See a theme? Yes, I love green. Since I made the baby blanket for my friend (he was born a week ago today! Yay for babies!), I have been crocheting all over the place...instead of doing homework :-/ Oh, well. The goodies in the pic are for three different projects. The rectangular piece will be a wrist warmer (fingerless glove). Once I make the rectangle large enough, I'll fold it in half, and stitch up the side, leaving a hole for my thumb on the side. The circle will be a springtime wreath once done. Two more rows around the circle, a matching set of circles on the back sandwiching some thin cardboard for firmness, then some cute flowers on the front. The heart will be paired with two or three more (number depending how they look)to make a shamrock for St. Patricks day. I will accent it with some darker green and probably a button. I will post pics of everything once they are done...wish me luck!

All these adorable patterns are from (the shamrock is mine, but the hearts are hers) :)