Friday, February 17, 2012

Owl always love you...

This is the valentine I gave my girl this year. Owls seem to have become a theme!

It is a pillowbox cut from a friends Cricut cartridge. We then cut a piece of paper the same size as the front, used I giant circle punch to punch all four sides to make a vest, and glued that down. I meant to ink the edges of the vest, but forgot, so I inked the edges of the whole box instead. Then we attached bottle caps as eyes. They had a slightly bigger circle attached to the back of them that we fringed after gluon on to make eyelashes. Inside the bottle caps was a large white circle and a smaller black one for the eyes. It is then embellished with a little flower. You can put candy (kisses won't fit, so Hershey miniatures work best), and write a note on the back. I wrote "Owl always love you. Love, Mommy" <3

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