Saturday, December 8, 2012

Millet porridge in the crock pot

When we went to Telkwa, BC, at the end of August with our church for a building and fellowship project, our hostess made millet porridge in the crock pot for us the first morning, when only half of our group was there. It was a tasty alternative to oatmeal (which I want to try in the crock pot), and I wanted to make it once we got home. However, I only had a huge 5.5qt crock pot, which is nice for potlucks, but not for cooking for two. Last month, I finally got a 2.5qt crock pot that is more appropriate for cooking for two.

The next problem was finding whole millet, which, it turns out, is not something most stores carry. I found millet flour once. I finally remembered to go to the Food Coop, which is our local version of Whole Foods. And lo and behold, they had millet.

It is a very simple recipe:

8 cups water
2 cans coconut milk
4 cups millet

Mix and cook on low overnight.

I halved the recipe, since I was cooking for two, not 21 like in Telkwa (we had another 17 or so arrive over the next couple days). We will still have some left overs.

It was yummy, and easy, and didn't require me to be fully functional. We end up missing some weekend breakfasts due to that :) The coconut flavor was not noticeable, so if you want to add flavors, I don't think you would need to make other adjustments. I topped mine with a little milk and maple syrup, and M had milk and Smuckers strawberry syrup, which she uses on lots of things.

My issues were that it stuck to the crock, and was cooked unevenly. The parts around the outside were almost mushy, while the middle was more grainy. Once I stirred it up, it seemed to even out. But I am afraid I may still have to soak out the stuck on parts.

I may try that oatmeal in the crock pot for tomorrow before church...but that is a post for another day :)

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